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What is Thigh Lift Surgery?

Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. If fitness and weight control efforts have not achieved your goals for a body that is firmer, more youthful-looking and more proportionate to your overall body image, a surgical lift may be right for you. What are the steps of a thigh lift procedure?

  • Step 1 – Anesthesia
  • Step 2 – The incision
  • Step 3 – Closing the incisions
  • Step 4 – See the results

After a Thigh Lift

You can start taking a walk 1 week after surgery but avoid strenuous sports and physical activities for 4 weeks. You're advised to avoid smoking for a rapid recovery.

  • You'll have no severe pains after surgery. You might have mild pains, which can be controlled with painkillers.
  • You can stand up the same day and you only need to stay overnight at the hospital.
  • You can have a bath on day 2 or 3 after surgery.
  • After having a thigh lift surgery, you might have mild bruising and swelling in inner surface of your legs, which are expected to resolve completely after about several weeks.
  • You can resume work after about one week after surgery.