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Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Ear correction surgery, or otoplasty, reshapes part of the cartilage in the ears, allowing them to lie closer to the side of the head. Most people who have otoplasty are between the ages of 4 and 14. This is because, at that age, ear cartilage is softer and easier to mould. However, otoplasties can still be effective in adults. Otoplasty can also alter large or stretched earlobes or lobes with large creases and wrinkles. Plastic surgeons can even build new ears for people who were born without them or who have lost them through injury. Other ear problems that can be helped with otoplasty include:

  • ‘lop ear’ – when the tip seems to fold down and forward
  • ‘cupped ear’ – a very small ear
  • ‘shell ear’ – when the curve in the outer rim, as well as the natural folds and creases, are missing.

Things to consider before otoplasty

Before you choose to have otoplasty, some important issues to keep in mind include:

  • Even when only one ear appears to stick out (protrude), surgery is usually performed on both ears for a better balance.
  • Exact evenness (symmetry) isn’t likely. Similar to natural ears, the position of the ears after otoplasty will not match perfectly.
  • Smokers are at increased risk of complications. To decrease the risk of complications, and for your general health and wellbeing, try to quit smoking before having surgery.