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Arms are often the forgotten parts affected by significant weight loss. They are however a common area for skin removal or lipectomy surgery. Minel Clinic , based in Istanbul,Turkey, regularly performs arm lift surgery and below you'll find some great information about this procedure. An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that targets excess or sagging skin most commonly in the upper arm area. Changes in weight, ageing and genetics can cause your upper arms to have a drooping or sagging appearance. Often exercise alone cannot change the look of excess sagging upper arm skin. In general, arm lift candidates have:

  • Significant upper arm skin laxity
  • A BMI of less than 30, in an ideal world a BMI between 20-25 is our goal
  • Good health with no conditions that may compromise healing and recovery
  • Quit smoking or a non-smoker
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations

How long does Brachioplasty Surgery Take?

The brachioplasty procedure is performed under a general anaesthetic and can take anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours. Depending on the patient and where the excess skin sits. The incisions (and subsequent scars) will be made on the inner side of the arm from the elbow to the armpit to minimise visibility of the scar. The key aim of this procedure is to target the symptoms of excess skin and as well as keep an harmonious transition from forearm to armpit. How should I prepare for arm lift surgery? In preparing for arm lift surgery, you may be asked to:

  • Make sure you are in your best physical shape and at your goal weight for at least 6 months
  • Prepare to take 2-3 weeks off work depending on your occupation
  • Stop smoking at least 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after your surgery, preferably quit forever

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